Saturday, May 22, 2010


Definition: An often large heterogeneous mixture of blog topics discussed in one place

I've taken pictures of random events here and there during May and never got around to blogging about them, so I'll just dump it all here. :)(:

Mother's Day -- Matt got me a couple gifts for Mother's Day; a pretty pair of earrings and a Pioneer bonnet. What??? It's a running joke between Matt and I that I'm no Pioneer woman (as I frequently refer to my mom as). I love my modern day conveniences and don't prefer engaging in manual labor if I can help it. ;) So Matt presented me with this bonnet that I can wear on days I might feel especially Pinoeer-ish in my accomplishments! LOL!

I'm grateful I have the opportunity to be a mom to these four smart, healthy, sweet kiddos!!!
I can't believe these four kids are MINE forever!!!

Spirit Week @ School -- CrAzY hAIr DaY
We went CrAzY cute with Brooklyn's hair :)
hairstyle from hereAnd mildly CrAzY with Blake's hair


Riding horses -- My sister, Becky, has horses at her house and Brooklyn has been asking for MONTHS when she could ride them. She finally got her chance!!
We all took a turn....

Father's & Sons -- Matt didn't take the camera, but I got this picture from a ward member. While the boys were on their overnight adventure, Brooklyn and I (and Preston) went browsing/shopping at Michaels then met up with my mom for dinner at Applebees and ice cream sundaes from McDs afterward. P.S. What is the deal with the peace sign fingers???? Dunno about that.

Brooklyn slept in my bed that night and I gave her a little mani/pedi in the morning. Next year it'll be just the TWO of us, since Preston will be old enough (family rules, 2 years old) to go with Daddy and the boys! You can bet we'll be all over the town doin' girly things!! Can't wait!


Little Helper -- I love baking and do it frequently during the week. Gavin is my little sous chef, always right there with me right down to the very end! This day we were trying a new zucchini bread recipe to use our overabundance from the garden.


This ->
recipe from here


Heather said...

WOW! That zucchini bread looks great! I need to try to make some of that! And the photo's of the kids are so cute! I'm glad you are having fun going to the Library with them. It looks like it's a great library. Where is it?

Lindsay said...

Heather, it's the Queen Creek library. It is pretty new and that's the children's section that you can see. :) My kids love it!