This past Wednesday, Matt and I celebrated our
9 year wedding anniversary!!! That means next year is the
BIG 1-0!!! We decided to keep it low-key for the evening and go out Saturday. Matt insisted that he give me giftS. I protested, telling him it wasn't fair because I didn't have anything to give to him! He just has the hardest time with keeping gifts hidden and wants to give them right away. Me, I like the element of surprise on the appropriate occasion.
He ended up surprising me with a nice, hardcover blog book!
HE is really the one who has wanted this and although I wanted one, I haven't had the desire to work on it. So he finally did it!! It goes from the beginning of our blog until right after he graduated and we announced my pregnancy with Preston. We'll do another book soon to catch up on the rest.

Little did I know, he wasn't DONE!!! Then he brings out a stack of things, starting off with an SD card. Of course I know what's coming next, a
NEW CAMERA!!!! I've been wanting to upgrade my SLR from the Nikon D40 to the D90, but have justified putting it off because it wasn't a necessity when I already had a nice camera and I'd rather spend the money on other things. Now I have this beautiful new piece of machinery that I'm trying to get to know better!! :)

About a month ago, I registered both Matt and I for Pat's Run, a 4.2 mile run in honor of Pat Tillman, who played football at ASU then was killed in action while serving our country. I knew this run would be cake for me since I've still been running three times a week, but I was a little concerned about Matt. ;)
Cody came and stayed with the kids overnight and we headed over to ASU bright and early that morning. We rode the light rail over (first time!) and it was seriously a MADHOUSE!!! Over 28,000 participants!

Moving toward the start line... almost our turn to go!

Matt kept up with me until a little after the first mile marker then he needed to walk so I took off. I was weaving in and out of runners, walkers and jogging strollers and felt so squished the whole time!!! SO many people!!! I ran the whole thing and finished in 43:41. Matt came in behind me at 49:53. He survived!! It was such a fun thing to do "together" ;) and I'm hoping we can do it next year as well.

A victory kiss. Matt's such a good sport to do this to appease me amongst thousands of people on the ASU playing field!!

That night, we got a sitter for the kids and went off for our second date in 8 days! I've been
dying to to go PF Changs for years and we finally made it there!!! So yummy! I can't wait to go back to try something else!

I don't "do" chopsticks.
I managed one bite, posed for a picture then used my fork the rest of the meal.

After dinner, we did some quick window shopping then headed over to the movies to see The Source Code. Very interesting movie.... one of those that I ask Matt for some explanation for mid-movie. Overall, I like it. I'm about due for a good chick flick, though! ;)
Right now, at this stage in our lives, things are great. We've been through a lot these past 9 years; undergrad, twin babies, grad school, baby #3, moving back and forth, starting a career and landing a wonderful job, new house, baby #4, church callings, etc. Looking back, I can see how much Matt and I have grown as a couple and I'm liking where we are. That's not to say every moment of every day is perfect, because it's not. We still have our challenges and struggle to balance everything we have on our plates. It's been a lot of hard work, but it's been totally worth it. I love you, babe!!!
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys had a blast!!! After all, your anniversary is a very special day! It is the day that JJ and I met, and went on our blind-date 5 years ago.
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