My last letter!!!
I had ideas floating around in my head for awhile, but in true Lindsay fashion, I was scrambling to put things together at the last minute!
Tuesday, we started off by learning what sound W makes, how to do a sign language W and coming up with words that start with W. I read
Wacky Wednesday. The kids had a great time trying to find all the things that were wacky on each page. We did a letter W tracing page then got down to business with our theme for the day ~
I had a small watermelon for the kids to hold and feel. We talked about how a watermelon grows from seed to plant to vine to fruit. I cut it open so we could see inside. For our watermelon craft, we did these half paper plate watermelon slices.

While their projects were drying, I sent them outside for a long recess while I prepared the snack for the day, homemade Waffles w/ syrup and
Watermelon smoothies!!!!

After snack, we went back outside so each kiddo could plant Watermelon seeds in their very own pot.

Then back inside to put the finishing touches on the paper plate watermelons, gluing on seeds. It was a fun day!

I didn't get a chance to use these cute little watermelon matching cards during preschool, so I had Gavin practice matching the numeral to the number of seeds. Easy peasy, but he loves these!

Today, we had our normal opening exercises with a round of Head Shoulders Knees & Toes thrown in. We did our letter review and everyone had a chance to write the letter W on the easel. For show-and-tell, we had a great variety of items- wigs, watch, bottle of water, whale.
For our first section of the day, we talked about
WORMS!!! I read
Diary of a Worm then we talked about what worms do.

The kids got up to the table and I brought out real LIVE worms for them to explore! All the kids were fascinated by the wiggly creatures, but most wanted to keep their distance. A few kids got brave and touched or actually held a worm!!

After a serious hand-washing session, we moved on to our craft, a darling little
wiggly worm made out of pipe cleaners and beads. (this one is mine)

Excellent for fine motor skills! These were a HUGE hit with the kids and they carried their worms around for the rest of preschool.

Outside the kiddos went for recess and when they came in for snack, they were all a little hesitant when I told them I had dug around in the garden for these dirt cups. Some of them were fooled, but everyone was all smiles when I confessed that it was just chocolate pudding, Oreos and gummy worms!!! :)

We switched gears for the last segment and talked about

And since we've actually
HAD a little bit of weather going on lately, it made this subject even more fun! I read the book
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs for a more unconventional style of weather. ;)

Then I divided them into three teams and they each got a duffel bag. When they opened it, they had to take out the objects and tell me what kind of weather these clothes/items would be used in. I had a heavy coat, gloves and beanie (snow), swimsuit, bucket hat and flip-flops (sunny), and rainboots and an umbrella (rainy). We talked about the kind of activities we'd do with these clothing/items, ie: build snowman, make a snow angel, have a snowball fight, swim in a pool, go to the beach, splash in rain puddles.
Back up to the table for one last activity, coloring a weather wheel.

Preston cannot be left out for one second!!! Both days, he sat at our little folding table and participated; "wrote" his letter Ws,

put beads on the pipe cleaner,

and even poked around at the worms, keeping his distance with a straw, haha!

1 comment:
That was AWESOME! You are just to cute... stop it! J/K For some reason I thought that you were going to do the letter 'X'.... see, I can't even count right... lol. You did a fantastic job, and I love that Preston was poking at the worms with a straw! Too funny!
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