Saturday, April 2, 2011

Laundry Room makeover

I don't know that you can really call this a make"over" when it really wasn't made"up" to begin with. I've been dying to have some organization in my walk-thru laundry room. Aside from a rink dink shelf above the washer and dryer, I had no where to store or put anything but on the floor. We had a communal shoe basket in hallway of the house, but the contents were always dumped and strewn about when a child would go looking for a matching pair of shoes.

This angle is from inside the house looking toward the door leading into the garage
These are both looking from the garage inI wish I had taken better "before" pics when the freezer wasn't even there yet and it was more of a disaster!!!

The idea probably started a year and a half ago when we visited friends in Utah and I saw a mudroom. This isn't a common thing in Arizona, or at least not in my experience, but I loved the idea of each person having a designated "place" for their jackets, backpacks, shoes, sporting equipment, etc. I began browsing the internet and various home design blogs for what I wanted.

Finally, we decided to go for it. I'd like to say this is a project that Matt & I could've tackled, but I'm way too much of a perfectionist and both of us would prefer to spend our spare time doing other things. So we contacted a friend of ours in the neighboring ward to come help us draw it out and get to work turning this space into something functional. While we went up to the cabin for Spring Break, he got started on the project and by weeks end, it was finished!

The door from the house to the laundry room is switched and opens the other way now, making the laundry room feel MUCH more open!Everyone has their own place for shoes now :)
I love, love, LOVE it!!!! It's not completely done; I still need to pick up hooks for the wall and knobs for the cabinets. The freezer is another recent purchase, which I have immensely enjoyed as well. All my laundry and cleaning stuff, paper towels, toilet paper, tissues, soap, lightbulbs, etc are tucked away behind cabinet doors. It makes such a difference and I love my new space. :)


Brandi said...

How cool! It looks so nice!

JJ and Kimberly Taylor said...

Oh my stars, I love this so much. I have always wanted to have a little mudroom. I think that they are fantastic!!!!!

Spencer and Jessica Drew said...

Oh my goodness! what a transformation!!!!! I love it!