Both were begging for a birthday party, but I just didn't feel on top of things this year, especially just having had a baby 7 weeks ago. I feel bad that we didn't do any huge celebration, but Matt was away at Wood Badge this weekend and their birthday fell on a Sunday this year. We ended up hosting Matt's family first Sunday dinner since it was Superbowl Sunday and we have the biggest TV. ;) That in and of itself created a party! I feel bad that I didn't even make them a cake!!
I did take lunch to them at school on Friday (McDonalds- their choice). It's always interesting to see them in that atmosphere, with their school friends. Brooklyn was completely surrounded by a posse of girls, begging to sit by her at lunch then play with her on the playground! I had no idea she was Little Miss Popular! Blake had a couple of friends with him, but really wanted to sit by his brothers.

Back to tonight.... we gave them their pile of birthday gifts from us, which I think everything went over well!
Brooklyn got 2 DS games- Cooking Mama and Petz Nursery, Just Dance Kids 2 Wii game, "B" journal, purple sparkly box (she loves things like this!), a pad of 700+ stickers, Littlest Pet shop set, a real CTR ring and a GIANT bean bag chair!!
Brooklyn and Blake have a love/hate relationship. They sweetly wished each other a happy birthday this morning, then by afternoon, they were taking it back. Sometimes they get along splendidly, and other times they are at each others' throat! These next pictures were taken consecutively. You can see the hot & cold that goes on between the two!
Brooklyn's got enough sass to last at least two lifetimes and Blake will argue the heck out of anything. But as I kissed each of them on the forehead before bed tonight, I felt blessed that they are mine, sent here together, to our family.
And this concludes birthday bonanza in our home! ;) 5 kids' birthdays in less than 8 weeks! Whew! What were we THINKING??! LOL!
9 year stats: {will post after well check}
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