She's staying awake for longer periods during the day and taking about 4 naps a day. She sleeps pretty well at night, usually down at 9 o'clock and wakes around 3am, goes straight back down then wakes about 6:30, back down til 8ish when she's up for the day. So as long as I am getting to bed early, I can get some decent sleep.
I'm still swaddling her for sleep times and it's working well. She takes the binky when she's desperate, but doesn't really rely on it to soothe herself. Will this be my first non-binky/thumbsucker child? Time will tell...
She rarely goes three hours before wanting to eat again (except for the one long stretch at night) but she is getting more efficient with nursing so I'm not stuck in the chair quite as long during the day.
She's solidly into size 1 diapers and is starting to push the limit on some of her 0-3 month clothes!
She's a happy baby most of the time and is starting to learn to be patient since I can't always run right to her. She has a knack for knowing when I'm preparing or eating dinner - she always gets fussy right then! She gets a lot of attention from her siblings and I'm having to remind them constantly to stay out of her face!
1 comment:
Oh, she's so sweet. And I think I need to make myself some chocolate covered strawberries after seeing them on one too many blogs from V-day. They are my favorite - just a pain to make.
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