Saturday, November 29, 2008
I'll just preface this by saying YES, I am crazy!!! Good. I'm glad we got that out of the way. ;)
I LOVE shopping on Black Friday!! Heck, who am I kidding -- I love shopping on ANY day!! I poured over the ads, listed out the items I was interested in getting at each store on a post-it note and attached the post-it to the corresponding store ad. There was no one item I just HAD to have, but there were a lot of things I WANTED to have. LOL!
My stops for the day included:
KOHL'S - Opened at 4:00am. I arrived at the store at 2:30am and was 10th in line! Told you I was crazy!!! ;) It paid off because I got *ALMOST* everything I wanted including a keyboard, a bedding set for Matt & I (hooray!), a new memory foam pillow for Matt. various bath towels, a rug, a couple kids books and a throw blankie for snuggling on the couch in the evenings. The only thing I didn't get was a 600 thread count sheet set for $40, but I'll be heading back for that next week and using my Kohl's cash that I acquired. Let's just hope it's back in stock by then; I'll be one happy girl!! I stood in line for over ONE HOUR, but it really didn't seem that long. I did good!
TARGET - Opened at 6:00am. I was in line outside the store at 5:45am with HUNDREDS of other people. There were two entrances and 3 minutes before the doors were supposed to open, a Target employee so kindly tells us that they will only be opening the OTHER doors, not the doors I'm waiting in line at. You'd think they could have had a sign or said something maybe 10 minutes before they opened??!? This created a mad chaotic rush as people were hustling to the other line, but then just decided to cut in front of people that had been waiting much longer when the doors opened. I waited politely until a good majority of the line had gone in before I entered the store. I had grabbed a cart, then quickly ditched it in the toy section when it was apparent there was no way I was going to be able to navigate through the masses with that thing + my pregnant belly. I got all the items I had intended (6 to be exact) and headed to the front to check out. The lines were super quick and I was outta there! Probably because half the Queen Creek population was back in the electronics department!!!
TOYS R US - Opened at 5:00am. I think I got there around 6:45am. Lots and LOTS of people, of course!! I do have to say that they are very organized with the crowds, only allowing certain amounts of people in the doors at a time, then keeping the check-out line around the perimeter of the store as not to clog up the aisles for the people still shopping. Again, I got every item I wanted, plus one extra. ;) It felt like I was in line for forever here!!! I'm guessing probably 45 minutes or so.
HOME DEPOT - Don't know when they opened and I only wanted ONE item here for Matt. I got it and was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes. Not busy at all!!
I made a quick trip inside a different Kohls on my way home just to make sure they didn't have the sheet set I wanted but no luck there. :( And the line was still insanely long to wait for just one item.
I was home shortly after 9:00am. I'd have to say my experience was pleasant over all! I didn't see any pushing and shoving and everyone seemed to be pretty polite. It would have been fun to have someone to go with, but people in line were friendly and chatty. And I did happen to see THIS lovely blogging friend and her hubby! I can't imagine those who stand in line for HOURS for the limited number big ticket items!! If we ever want one of those, I'll for sure be sending Matt in cause I'm not mean enough to fight through! ;)
I did go to bed at 9:45pm the night before so I got SOME sleep, but still had to take a nap and then was EXHAUSTED by 8:00pm last night! Oh, the sacrifices we make for good deals!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I Am Thankful
I know Thanksgiving is over, but I was busy yesterday and didn't have a moment to express my thoughts and feelings on my blog. So here I am, a day late.
My kids are in love with the Charlie Brown movies. I've always been a fan too for each holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) and bought the trio of DVDs to have for our very own. But I never realized how many times the characters say the word "stupid" until Gavin pointed it out EVERY.SINGLE.TIME by saying, "We don't say stupid," or "They said stupid!" This coming from my sweet two-year-old that says "stupid" at least 15 times a day. We're trying to curb that, albeit unsuccessful at this point.
So Tuesday night, we had psuedo-FHE. We watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and then we talked about things we were thankful for. I asked each child of mine to list three things they are thankful for.
Brooklyn ~*~ leaves, turkeys and flowers ~*~ HOW FESTIVE!!
Blake ~*~ my brothers and sister, toys and Heavenly Father ~*~ At least we're doing SOMEthing right as parents!!
Gavin ~*~ Jesus & Joseph (????), cake and cars ~*~ Gotta love the toddler mentality!
Brooklyn felt bad that Gavin didn't have a turkey hat
so she hand-crafted one for him all on her own! What a loving sister!! ;)
We had a very nice Thanksgiving linner (same concept as "brunch" except between lunch and dinner times) yesterday with my family. Lots and lots and LOTS of food and yummy desserts! Stuffed myself full!!!
Here are my thankfuls, in no particular order::
* I am thankful to have a hard-working husband that supports our family and wants nothing more than for me to be able to stay at home with our kids.
* I am thankful that we're done with school and have moved on to the next phase in our lives.
* I am thankful that Matt has a good job, especially at a time where the economy is suffering and many are struggling to make ends meet.
* I am thankful for each one of my children and the unique personalities they bring to our family.
* I am thankful for this sweet new spirit that will be joining our family in less than 5 weeks.
* I am thankful for my beautiful home - my OWN home!!
* I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the peace and happiness it brings to my life on a daily basis.
* I am thankful for my goodly parents and each of my five siblings.
* I am thankful for Matt's family, that they are such a wonderful addition to my own family.
I know there are countless other things to be thankful for. My list could be a mile long!! I'm glad that we have a holiday set aside for us to pause and remember all these wonderful blessings in our lives!! I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!
{the word "thankful" looks weird, like it's spelled wrong, after typing it out that many times!!}
My kids are in love with the Charlie Brown movies. I've always been a fan too for each holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) and bought the trio of DVDs to have for our very own. But I never realized how many times the characters say the word "stupid" until Gavin pointed it out EVERY.SINGLE.TIME by saying, "We don't say stupid," or "They said stupid!" This coming from my sweet two-year-old that says "stupid" at least 15 times a day. We're trying to curb that, albeit unsuccessful at this point.

Brooklyn ~*~ leaves, turkeys and flowers ~*~ HOW FESTIVE!!
Blake ~*~ my brothers and sister, toys and Heavenly Father ~*~ At least we're doing SOMEthing right as parents!!
Gavin ~*~ Jesus & Joseph (????), cake and cars ~*~ Gotta love the toddler mentality!
Look what I picked up from school earlier this week!!! :D Gobble, Gobble!
so she hand-crafted one for him all on her own! What a loving sister!! ;)
Here are my thankfuls, in no particular order::
* I am thankful to have a hard-working husband that supports our family and wants nothing more than for me to be able to stay at home with our kids.
* I am thankful that we're done with school and have moved on to the next phase in our lives.
* I am thankful that Matt has a good job, especially at a time where the economy is suffering and many are struggling to make ends meet.
* I am thankful for each one of my children and the unique personalities they bring to our family.
* I am thankful for this sweet new spirit that will be joining our family in less than 5 weeks.
* I am thankful for my beautiful home - my OWN home!!
* I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the peace and happiness it brings to my life on a daily basis.
* I am thankful for my goodly parents and each of my five siblings.
* I am thankful for Matt's family, that they are such a wonderful addition to my own family.
I know there are countless other things to be thankful for. My list could be a mile long!! I'm glad that we have a holiday set aside for us to pause and remember all these wonderful blessings in our lives!! I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!
{the word "thankful" looks weird, like it's spelled wrong, after typing it out that many times!!}
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper
Monday is my day to get the kids' laundry done. I had pulled the first batch of clothes out of the dryer and Brooklyn told me that she wanted to fold them. I set the basket down, walked away to do something else and came back to THIS --
She had folded all the clothes and piled them according to "shirts" and pants." What a sweetie!!!
What is THIS??!?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
TADA!!! We have a backyard!!
When we moved into our house, I told Matt that the backyard HAD to be done FIRST, before we did any inside projects. I simply could not put up with a huge, plain dirt backyard and kids begging to play outside with nowhere to go! I wanted a nice backyard to be able to enjoy while the weather is pleasant and cool here in Arizona and I knew if we didn't do it NOW, it wouldn't get done for another year.
So, with a lot of help from my awesome brother-in-law, Taylor, our backyard is finished for the time being!!! Taylor did a lot of the arranging for work to be done (trenching for sprinklers, curbing, etc.) and then poured the concrete for the back patio extension. He spent a lot of time over here and I thank him for that!! Matt did his fair share too, when he was able to, after work and on weekends.
So, with a lot of help from my awesome brother-in-law, Taylor, our backyard is finished for the time being!!! Taylor did a lot of the arranging for work to be done (trenching for sprinklers, curbing, etc.) and then poured the concrete for the back patio extension. He spent a lot of time over here and I thank him for that!! Matt did his fair share too, when he was able to, after work and on weekends.
This is what we started with:

October 23 - Topsoil for inside curbing, rock for outside
Starting to look like a backyard!!!
October 25 - Round 1 of grass seed and manure laid - peeeeeeeeeeyew!!
October 31 - GRASS!!!!!!

November 4 - Grass filling in, citrus trees planted (1 pink grapefruit, 3 navel oranges)

November 12 - Even more grass!
November 14 - Matt mows for the first time!
Today - LOVIN' my backyard!!
October 22 - Curbing done, concrete poured to extend back patio
Planter for garden in place along north wallStarting to look like a backyard!!!
November 4 - Grass filling in, citrus trees planted (1 pink grapefruit, 3 navel oranges)
November 12 - Even more grass!
After Matt mowed the grass, he gave the kids permission to run around on it. They just were ECSTATIC to be able to finally go on the grass!!! They have been asking for weeks now and I'm so glad that we finally have a place for them to play outside. There has been lots of bike riding on the patio and I can't wait to enjoy the cool Fall nights on the back porch with my family!! :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sick Days
Yesterday, Blake had his very first sick day of his educational career. Wednesday night, croup came on fast and furious. We were up several times that night, spending time in the bathroom doing the shower-sauna routine, getting him settled down, fetching drinks. Thursday morning, it was obvious that he wasn't doing much better so he stayed home from school.
The thing with croup (from my experience) is that it usually gets better during the day and hits hard at night. Well, that wasn't the case this time. I watched Blake get progressively worse during the day and I actually got panicky a couple times when he would start coughing and coughing and coughing and it seemed like he couldn't even get a breath in! I had him camped out on the couch and the poor thing was just miserable! I could tell he was burning up but Blake kept saying that he was cold and needed his fleece blanket. Matt insisted that I take Blake into the pediatrician's office so we wouldn't end up in the ER that night. We saw a physician's assistant since our normal ped wasn't in the office that day, and he confirmed that it was indeed croup (DUH!) and prescribed steroids that would hopefully get it under control. Within one hour of taking the meds, Blake's breathing calmed and he wasn't coughing nearly as frequently. Such a relief!!
I kept him home from school today as well. Even though Blake is doing MUCH better than yesterday, he still was coughing a lot and I just couldn't imagine him making it through a school day sitting in his desk, out to recess, being able to focus on any task in the classroom. I figure that he'll have the weekend to recover and hopefully he'll be ready to go on Monday.
Poor little Blakey! :(
The thing with croup (from my experience) is that it usually gets better during the day and hits hard at night. Well, that wasn't the case this time. I watched Blake get progressively worse during the day and I actually got panicky a couple times when he would start coughing and coughing and coughing and it seemed like he couldn't even get a breath in! I had him camped out on the couch and the poor thing was just miserable! I could tell he was burning up but Blake kept saying that he was cold and needed his fleece blanket. Matt insisted that I take Blake into the pediatrician's office so we wouldn't end up in the ER that night. We saw a physician's assistant since our normal ped wasn't in the office that day, and he confirmed that it was indeed croup (DUH!) and prescribed steroids that would hopefully get it under control. Within one hour of taking the meds, Blake's breathing calmed and he wasn't coughing nearly as frequently. Such a relief!!
I kept him home from school today as well. Even though Blake is doing MUCH better than yesterday, he still was coughing a lot and I just couldn't imagine him making it through a school day sitting in his desk, out to recess, being able to focus on any task in the classroom. I figure that he'll have the weekend to recover and hopefully he'll be ready to go on Monday.
Getting a nebulizer treatment, which did nothing whatsoever to help his condition.
He's not sleeping, just doesn't want the "clouds" to get in his eyes!
He's not sleeping, just doesn't want the "clouds" to get in his eyes!
Now of course Gavin started up with the honky cough last night. Keeping our fingers crossed that his round is much more mild!!! Brooklyn already went through her spell last week, but it was pretty short-lived with some residual coughing still hanging on.
I'm pretty sure I brought this all upon myself, by simply stating just a couple weeks ago that we'd managed to escape any real sickness as of late. Guess I didn't knock hard enough on that wood!!! As long as everyone gets in out of their system before the baby is born.....
I'm pretty sure I brought this all upon myself, by simply stating just a couple weeks ago that we'd managed to escape any real sickness as of late. Guess I didn't knock hard enough on that wood!!! As long as everyone gets in out of their system before the baby is born.....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pregnancy Update
I'm currently 31 weeks 1 day pregnant and all I can say is WOW!! Time is flying by fast!!!!!! In less than two months, we get to welcome this baby boy into our family!!
I had a doctor's appointment today, routine and boring. My belly is measuring at 34 weeks (has been measuring consistently big for the past couple months), baby's heart rate is nice and steady between 130 & 140 bpm. Blood pressure is good. I passed my 1 hour GTT by a landslide. My OB mentioned that I gained a bit of weight this last two weeks (oops!) and I replied that it's probably because I need to stop shoving food in my mouth!! Will do better on that, I promise. ;) Really, I'm doing pretty well in the weight department. I'm still 10 lbs UNDER what I STARTED at with Gavin, which is just plain sick and embarrassing. I've only gained about 20 lbs so far and hope that it isn't much more. Baby is already head down, but not that that matters since I'll be having a c-section.
We talked about possible birth dates for this little guy and I'm not really liking my options!! We already determined that I will deliver between Christmas and New Years. Blech. #1 because the baby is measuring big (in the 97th%ile) according to ultrasound, doc says to expect another baby around 9 lbs., and #2 my doctor is so conveniently going out of town for New Years and won't be back until a couple days before my actual due date of Jan 6th. His scheduled surgery days are Fridays and Wednesdays. Friday would be the day after Christmas, but that is more than a week before my due date and hospitals won't schedule c-sections prior to 39 weeks. Wednesday would be December 31st, New Years Eve. That's ok, I guess, and further from Christmas but a New Years Eve birthday???? Maybe I'll actually go into labor on my own (hasn't happened with either previous pregnancy, except pre-term labor with B&B) and get a different day! ;) We can always hope.
All in all, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm having a hard time bending over (and doing too much *trying* to bend over causes me heartburn) and sitting up straight. Baby is constantly moving, kicking, and rolling around. Matt thinks it's hilarious to watch my belly move and feel the baby doing gymnastics in there. I cannot wait to meet this baby- hold him, sniff him, nurse him- and see what he looks like. Names are still a source of contention at this point, and Matt has lovingly dubbed the baby as Voldemort, as in he-who-must-not-be-named. We do semi-agree on two names, but we're still at the drawing board. Any suggestions welcomed!
I had a doctor's appointment today, routine and boring. My belly is measuring at 34 weeks (has been measuring consistently big for the past couple months), baby's heart rate is nice and steady between 130 & 140 bpm. Blood pressure is good. I passed my 1 hour GTT by a landslide. My OB mentioned that I gained a bit of weight this last two weeks (oops!) and I replied that it's probably because I need to stop shoving food in my mouth!! Will do better on that, I promise. ;) Really, I'm doing pretty well in the weight department. I'm still 10 lbs UNDER what I STARTED at with Gavin, which is just plain sick and embarrassing. I've only gained about 20 lbs so far and hope that it isn't much more. Baby is already head down, but not that that matters since I'll be having a c-section.
We talked about possible birth dates for this little guy and I'm not really liking my options!! We already determined that I will deliver between Christmas and New Years. Blech. #1 because the baby is measuring big (in the 97th%ile) according to ultrasound, doc says to expect another baby around 9 lbs., and #2 my doctor is so conveniently going out of town for New Years and won't be back until a couple days before my actual due date of Jan 6th. His scheduled surgery days are Fridays and Wednesdays. Friday would be the day after Christmas, but that is more than a week before my due date and hospitals won't schedule c-sections prior to 39 weeks. Wednesday would be December 31st, New Years Eve. That's ok, I guess, and further from Christmas but a New Years Eve birthday???? Maybe I'll actually go into labor on my own (hasn't happened with either previous pregnancy, except pre-term labor with B&B) and get a different day! ;) We can always hope.
All in all, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm having a hard time bending over (and doing too much *trying* to bend over causes me heartburn) and sitting up straight. Baby is constantly moving, kicking, and rolling around. Matt thinks it's hilarious to watch my belly move and feel the baby doing gymnastics in there. I cannot wait to meet this baby- hold him, sniff him, nurse him- and see what he looks like. Names are still a source of contention at this point, and Matt has lovingly dubbed the baby as Voldemort, as in he-who-must-not-be-named. We do semi-agree on two names, but we're still at the drawing board. Any suggestions welcomed!
And of course, a belly shot. Here I am in all my glory, at 30 weeks 5 days!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day - 2008
Still, I feel it's a privilege and honor to be able to vote as a citizen of the United States. Gavin and I made our way to the polls this morning. He thought we were going on a "BOAT!" Haha! We were in and out in about 20 minutes. I'm glad that I contributed my vote. I just don't know if I can stand to watch all the coverage tonight. Should be interesting!!
And being the cheesy mom that I am, I dressed all three kids in red, white & blue in honor of the day! When I told Blake it was election day, he thought they didn't have school because of it!! LOL! I don't know if they'll be "voting" in school today, but we told them who our vote was for.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween festivities
I absolutely LOVE Halloween!!! {Nevermind the X number of pounds I'm sure I gained due to the Halloween candy I just couldn't resist! I'm pregnant, isn't that a good excuse?!} It's so much fun when you have kids to help you enjoy it! :) We did some fun things this past week with the kids to help us all get in the Halloween spirit.
Decorating Cookies
Wednesday evening, I made sugar cookie dough and we cut it into Halloween shapes. After the cookies baked and cooled, Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin got to decorate their own two cookies. :)

Carving Pumpkins
Matt always gets really into pumpkin carving, creating templates for us and he does a dang good job! Last year, we never got around to carving pumpkins because we were moving from CA to AZ so Matt wanted to use the same "theme" we had planned for last year. But Blake was insistent upon having his own so it kinda changed things. We only got around to carving 3 out of the 5 pumpkins we bought, but I guess that's better than last year!!

Can I just say how excited I was to go trick-or-treating in OUR OWN neighborhood and have trick-or-treaters come to OUR OWN house???!??! Loved it! Brooklyn and Blake picked out what they wanted to dress up as this year and since Gavin does his infamous "pirate eye," I decided he shall be a pirate. Everyone was excited to go trick-or-treating and Gavin did a dang good job of following the protocol for a two year old!! We got many comments about his enthusiastic "TRICK OR TREAT!" at the door!

Decorating Cookies
Wednesday evening, I made sugar cookie dough and we cut it into Halloween shapes. After the cookies baked and cooled, Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin got to decorate their own two cookies. :)
Carving Pumpkins
Matt always gets really into pumpkin carving, creating templates for us and he does a dang good job! Last year, we never got around to carving pumpkins because we were moving from CA to AZ so Matt wanted to use the same "theme" we had planned for last year. But Blake was insistent upon having his own so it kinda changed things. We only got around to carving 3 out of the 5 pumpkins we bought, but I guess that's better than last year!!
My very professional hubby! LOL!
Can I just say how excited I was to go trick-or-treating in OUR OWN neighborhood and have trick-or-treaters come to OUR OWN house???!??! Loved it! Brooklyn and Blake picked out what they wanted to dress up as this year and since Gavin does his infamous "pirate eye," I decided he shall be a pirate. Everyone was excited to go trick-or-treating and Gavin did a dang good job of following the protocol for a two year old!! We got many comments about his enthusiastic "TRICK OR TREAT!" at the door!
Brooklyn, the black kitty cat - MEOW!
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