Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pregnancy Update

I'm currently 31 weeks 1 day pregnant and all I can say is WOW!! Time is flying by fast!!!!!! In less than two months, we get to welcome this baby boy into our family!!

I had a doctor's appointment today, routine and boring. My belly is measuring at 34 weeks (has been measuring consistently big for the past couple months), baby's heart rate is nice and steady between 130 & 140 bpm. Blood pressure is good. I passed my 1 hour GTT by a landslide. My OB mentioned that I gained a bit of weight this last two weeks (oops!) and I replied that it's probably because I need to stop shoving food in my mouth!! Will do better on that, I promise. ;) Really, I'm doing pretty well in the weight department. I'm still 10 lbs UNDER what I STARTED at with Gavin, which is just plain sick and embarrassing. I've only gained about 20 lbs so far and hope that it isn't much more. Baby is already head down, but not that that matters since I'll be having a c-section.

We talked about possible birth dates for this little guy and I'm not really liking my options!! We already determined that I will deliver between Christmas and New Years. Blech. #1 because the baby is measuring big (in the 97th%ile) according to ultrasound, doc says to expect another baby around 9 lbs., and #2 my doctor is so conveniently going out of town for New Years and won't be back until a couple days before my actual due date of Jan 6th. His scheduled surgery days are Fridays and Wednesdays. Friday would be the day after Christmas, but that is more than a week before my due date and hospitals won't schedule c-sections prior to 39 weeks. Wednesday would be December 31st, New Years Eve. That's ok, I guess, and further from Christmas but a New Years Eve birthday???? Maybe I'll actually go into labor on my own (hasn't happened with either previous pregnancy, except pre-term labor with B&B) and get a different day! ;) We can always hope.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm having a hard time bending over (and doing too much *trying* to bend over causes me heartburn) and sitting up straight. Baby is constantly moving, kicking, and rolling around. Matt thinks it's hilarious to watch my belly move and feel the baby doing gymnastics in there. I cannot wait to meet this baby- hold him, sniff him, nurse him- and see what he looks like. Names are still a source of contention at this point, and Matt has lovingly dubbed the baby as Voldemort, as in he-who-must-not-be-named. We do semi-agree on two names, but we're still at the drawing board. Any suggestions welcomed!

And of course, a belly shot. Here I am in all my glory, at 30 weeks 5 days!!


Jen Hilton said...

nice picture!

The Smith's said...

I would gladly trade places with you. You have half as long left as I do. You lucky duck. The only good thing for me is that my Dr. already told me that she would take the baby 2 weeks early. Hip Hip Hurray!

Weston & Jennie said...

You look great! I gained a whopping 41 lbs with Hadley. :) I guess it could have been a lot worse since I didn't excercise a min the whole pregnancy. Thank you for the gift and for Sydney's and Macey's gifts. I keep telling Sydney that we are going to call you so that she can say thank you and I forget. One of these days, we will call. :)

mad white woman said...

Look how darling you are!

I don't have any name suggestions, but I say have the baby on the 31st. Don't you know, it will give you that extra tax break. Ha ha. :) People told me I was dumb for having a December baby. Dumb? What? I thought it pure intelligence: full child tax credit but only having the child for a handful of days during the year.

Maren said...

cute pic. you really do look great. the last 4-6 weeks are definately the worst. hang in there. i feel for you. any names yet?

Heather said...

Wow! You're getting so close! Cute pregnant belly. Hope everything goes well!

Emily Widdison said...

You look GREAT! 20 lbs is nothing! We are exactly 1 week apart and I'm not happy with my baby's possible "birthdays" either. What were we thinking? Come on, I want to know what names you are thinking of!!

Monica said...

Yeah for baby number 4! You are amazing. I am enjoying my two for now. There will probably be quite a space between Andrew and my next child. Good luck with that naming thing. Both of my kids were named 2 to 4 days after their births.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

You look fabulous! Lucky - it looks like you're carrying everything in your belly. I seem to carry my babies in my hips, legs, neck, cheeks, etc. It's really quite sexy, let me tell you!

Jenna said...

You look like one skinny pregnant lady!!!! Wish I could have been that way (I'm regretting it now!!!!)...beware of the body will never be the same, I think... (:

Anonymous said...

I wish my luck on you! I was scheduled with Kaylee, but contractions came a week early! Low and behold, I was in labor and she was out 2 hours later! Good luck with that!

The Lindsey's said...

Way cute picture! Where do you get your maternity clothes? They're REALLY cute!

The Lindsey's said...

Oh, and I have no clue on baby names =). We're still "discussing" that around here too =). Any suggestions for girl names?! Lets see on the boy names... I like the basic Ty and Josh. And I like Nathan too. If you want to use a B name you could use Bennett (I like that one a lot since I used it myself!) or if you did another G name you could use Gage. That one was one of our possible choices if we were going to have a boy but that's not happenin'! Good luck =)