The thing with croup (from my experience) is that it usually gets better during the day and hits hard at night. Well, that wasn't the case this time. I watched Blake get progressively worse during the day and I actually got panicky a couple times when he would start coughing and coughing and coughing and it seemed like he couldn't even get a breath in! I had him camped out on the couch and the poor thing was just miserable! I could tell he was burning up but Blake kept saying that he was cold and needed his fleece blanket. Matt insisted that I take Blake into the pediatrician's office so we wouldn't end up in the ER that night. We saw a physician's assistant since our normal ped wasn't in the office that day, and he confirmed that it was indeed croup (DUH!) and prescribed steroids that would hopefully get it under control. Within one hour of taking the meds, Blake's breathing calmed and he wasn't coughing nearly as frequently. Such a relief!!
I kept him home from school today as well. Even though Blake is doing MUCH better than yesterday, he still was coughing a lot and I just couldn't imagine him making it through a school day sitting in his desk, out to recess, being able to focus on any task in the classroom. I figure that he'll have the weekend to recover and hopefully he'll be ready to go on Monday.
Getting a nebulizer treatment, which did nothing whatsoever to help his condition.
He's not sleeping, just doesn't want the "clouds" to get in his eyes!
He's not sleeping, just doesn't want the "clouds" to get in his eyes!
Now of course Gavin started up with the honky cough last night. Keeping our fingers crossed that his round is much more mild!!! Brooklyn already went through her spell last week, but it was pretty short-lived with some residual coughing still hanging on.
I'm pretty sure I brought this all upon myself, by simply stating just a couple weeks ago that we'd managed to escape any real sickness as of late. Guess I didn't knock hard enough on that wood!!! As long as everyone gets in out of their system before the baby is born.....
I'm pretty sure I brought this all upon myself, by simply stating just a couple weeks ago that we'd managed to escape any real sickness as of late. Guess I didn't knock hard enough on that wood!!! As long as everyone gets in out of their system before the baby is born.....
Oh how I hate croup. I truly believe that a humidifier running while they sleep does wonders.
Oh yes, Sara. We've had the humidifier running each night in the bedrooms and downstairs during the day while Blake was laying on the couch.
Poor Blakey. The humidifier has become a permanent fixture in our room as well. The baby has extremely small nostrils and she tends to get really plugged up in this lovely dry weather if we don't keep it on.
Poor little guy. I hope everyone feels well soon!
Oh, so sad. That croupy cough sounds so awful. Glad he's feeling better.
Hey Lindsey - what is your email address?
Poor guys. Hope everyone gets better fast. I know Josh has had a goofy cough come on rather quickly too. Good thing no one at our house is allowed to be sick before Disneyland next week. =)
ooooooooooooohhhh lindsay- i have been wondering how you have been. I ran into Becky at Walmart a couple months ago. I hope all is good, your havin a baby soon. congrats on all your little ones. Can i add you to my blog. i would love to keep in touch. toodles meghan
okay, seriously the croup is everywhere hitting all of the kids! we've been doing the same thing here.:) good luck!
so those oreos were found at walmart...i haven't been to target lately so i'm not sure if they're there or not. and yes, these might be better than mint m&ms...i'm not sure yet!:)
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