My kids are in love with the Charlie Brown movies. I've always been a fan too for each holiday (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) and bought the trio of DVDs to have for our very own. But I never realized how many times the characters say the word "stupid" until Gavin pointed it out EVERY.SINGLE.TIME by saying, "We don't say stupid," or "They said stupid!" This coming from my sweet two-year-old that says "stupid" at least 15 times a day. We're trying to curb that, albeit unsuccessful at this point.

Brooklyn ~*~ leaves, turkeys and flowers ~*~ HOW FESTIVE!!
Blake ~*~ my brothers and sister, toys and Heavenly Father ~*~ At least we're doing SOMEthing right as parents!!
Gavin ~*~ Jesus & Joseph (????), cake and cars ~*~ Gotta love the toddler mentality!
Look what I picked up from school earlier this week!!! :D Gobble, Gobble!
so she hand-crafted one for him all on her own! What a loving sister!! ;)
Here are my thankfuls, in no particular order::
* I am thankful to have a hard-working husband that supports our family and wants nothing more than for me to be able to stay at home with our kids.
* I am thankful that we're done with school and have moved on to the next phase in our lives.
* I am thankful that Matt has a good job, especially at a time where the economy is suffering and many are struggling to make ends meet.
* I am thankful for each one of my children and the unique personalities they bring to our family.
* I am thankful for this sweet new spirit that will be joining our family in less than 5 weeks.
* I am thankful for my beautiful home - my OWN home!!
* I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the peace and happiness it brings to my life on a daily basis.
* I am thankful for my goodly parents and each of my five siblings.
* I am thankful for Matt's family, that they are such a wonderful addition to my own family.
I know there are countless other things to be thankful for. My list could be a mile long!! I'm glad that we have a holiday set aside for us to pause and remember all these wonderful blessings in our lives!! I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!
{the word "thankful" looks weird, like it's spelled wrong, after typing it out that many times!!}
1 comment:
I love the turkey hats! Your kids are adorable. I can't wait to hear how the concert goes tonight!
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