Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween festivities

I absolutely LOVE Halloween!!! {Nevermind the X number of pounds I'm sure I gained due to the Halloween candy I just couldn't resist! I'm pregnant, isn't that a good excuse?!} It's so much fun when you have kids to help you enjoy it! :) We did some fun things this past week with the kids to help us all get in the Halloween spirit.

Decorating Cookies

Wednesday evening, I made sugar cookie dough and we cut it into Halloween shapes. After the cookies baked and cooled, Brooklyn, Blake and Gavin got to decorate their own two cookies. :)

Have you ever seen a more pouty face??!? A little offended his cookie broke, hehe!!

Carving Pumpkins

Matt always gets really into pumpkin carving, creating templates for us and he does a dang good job! Last year, we never got around to carving pumpkins because we were moving from CA to AZ so Matt wanted to use the same "theme" we had planned for last year. But Blake was insistent upon having his own so it kinda changed things. We only got around to carving 3 out of the 5 pumpkins we bought, but I guess that's better than last year!!

Gavin a little hesitant, Brooklyn digs right in and Blake goes gingerly
My very professional hubby! LOL!


Transformers logo (Blake's)
Rocket from Little Einsteins (Gavin's)June from Little Einsteins (Brooklyn's)

Can I just say how excited I was to go trick-or-treating in OUR OWN neighborhood and have trick-or-treaters come to OUR OWN house???!??! Loved it! Brooklyn and Blake picked out what they wanted to dress up as this year and since Gavin does his infamous "pirate eye," I decided he shall be a pirate. Everyone was excited to go trick-or-treating and Gavin did a dang good job of following the protocol for a two year old!! We got many comments about his enthusiastic "TRICK OR TREAT!" at the door!

Super cute craft B&B did in kindergarten on Halloween day
Brooklyn, the black kitty cat - MEOW!

Blake as Batman, showing off his cool moves, haha!

And pirate Gavin - Argh mateys!



Weston & Jennie said...

How cute! Your pumpkins all look really great. I think that you still look really thin through the face. I have eaten my fair share of candy as well, although, not as much as in previous years.

Jen Hilton said...

Nice pirate beard on Gavin!

mad white woman said...

Ah, I wanted to make Halloween sugar cookies SO bad, but the week was just too busy.

The pumpkins turned out awesome and that little craft is way cute. Maybe next year I'll remember it.

Jenna said...

I LOVE the pouty face!!!!!