Thursday, November 20, 2008

TADA!!! We have a backyard!!

When we moved into our house, I told Matt that the backyard HAD to be done FIRST, before we did any inside projects. I simply could not put up with a huge, plain dirt backyard and kids begging to play outside with nowhere to go! I wanted a nice backyard to be able to enjoy while the weather is pleasant and cool here in Arizona and I knew if we didn't do it NOW, it wouldn't get done for another year.

So, with a lot of help from my awesome brother-in-law, Taylor, our backyard is finished for the time being!!! Taylor did a lot of the arranging for work to be done (trenching for sprinklers, curbing, etc.) and then poured the concrete for the back patio extension. He spent a lot of time over here and I thank him for that!! Matt did his fair share too, when he was able to, after work and on weekends.

This is what we started with:

October 9 - Trenching done for sprinklers and drip lineOctober 11 - Sprinklers

October 22 - Curbing done, concrete poured to extend back patio
Planter for garden in place along north wall
October 23 - Topsoil for inside curbing, rock for outside
Starting to look like a backyard!!!
October 25 - Round 1 of grass seed and manure laid - peeeeeeeeeeyew!!October 31 - GRASS!!!!!!

November 4 - Grass filling in, citrus trees planted (1 pink grapefruit, 3 navel oranges)

November 12 - Even more grass!November 14 - Matt mows for the first time!Today - LOVIN' my backyard!!
After Matt mowed the grass, he gave the kids permission to run around on it. They just were ECSTATIC to be able to finally go on the grass!!! They have been asking for weeks now and I'm so glad that we finally have a place for them to play outside. There has been lots of bike riding on the patio and I can't wait to enjoy the cool Fall nights on the back porch with my family!! :)


mad white woman said...

Wahoo! Yeah, five years later, we don't have a backyard. I'm going to show Jason this picture b/c we've been having heated discussions about sod vs. seed. Obviously sod is much more convenient, but we can't afford it and I hate not having a yard. Now I just have to find some people to rope in to help us... :)

The Smith's said...

It looks great. We did our backyard in our first house when we moved out to sell it. Much better to do it first. Luckily Steven was really little then. I could not handle no backyard now. My kids are back there more than they are inside. So when is the party?

Heather said...

Hurray! I think every kid loves to play outside. How wonderful for yours to have a big green patch of lawn to play on!

Emily said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe how much you guys have done since we saw you guys!!! It looks great!!!!

Matt said...

We came to the same predicament regarding seed vs. sod. Fortunately sod was never an option because it cost so much more. I realize that this first winter lawn will be a little patchy. My neighbor actually has pretty nice grass eventhough she threw seed straight onto the dirt and watered with a sprinkler hooked to the hose. Let me know if you would like help. I can help with most of the hard labor, but you still might need someone to arrange the valves and such.

Monica said...

Yay for grass!

Beka said...

YEA! i'm jealous of your gigantic backyard! you need to have a party!!

Jen Hilton said...

Yea, good job Matt! You've done your first yard. I am sure you feel very satisfied.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I know the joys of a backyard. Too bad mine's just a rented backyard. ;o)