Yep, I did it again. Call me a diehard. Matt claims it's a money-spending-high. Whatevs. I
LOVE shopping day after Thanksgiving sales bright and early in the AM! This year it was even more fun because I had a partner to share in my excitement, my dear Aunt Candy. :)
**For the record, THIS is exactly why I have a hard time handing off my camera to other people. I mean, really. How hard is it to center us in frame?!?? C+ for effort.We hit Kohls and Target together. I was 6th-ish in line at about 2:30am. Doors opened at 4:00am, we got in, grabbed EVERYthing on our lists and were out by 4:30!! So we ran over to Target in the same shopping plaza, grabbed our free reusable tote bags and waited in line for the store to open at 5am. This is the line at Target --- alllllll the way wrapped around the side and back of the building!

Definitely more frenzied here, but we grabbed the few things we wanted and were outta there pretty quickly as well. Then I headed to Toys R Us. It opened at MIDNIGHT (crazy!!!!!) and I was there around 6am. The crowds had already died down, so I strolled right in, meandered around, got what I wanted, and hardly waited in line to check out. On my way home, I jetted in to Babies R Us to get a wagon that was out of stock at Toys R Us, but I was completely done by 7:30am, just as the sun was waking up!

Me = One Happy Shopper!!! ☺

Really, unless you're there for a hot, big-ticket item, shopping on Black Friday isn't as bad as people think it is! Most people I came across were courteous and overall friendly. It's all about the attitude. I'm not in it for a knock-down, drag-out fight over some electronic item or toy. I just love the energy in the air and the official kick off to the holiday shopping season! And getting some great deals to boot!
1 comment:
One of these days I'm gonna have to sign up for this adventure.
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