Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mister Mischief

THIS precious face?????????No way.

But it's true!

Definitely amazing how different Preston is from Gavin.
Gavin never got in to ANYthing.

Prest seems to think he rules my kitchen.Maybe if I look sweet, mommy won't mind that I emptied nearly 100 cookie cutters onto the floor?Trying to train the older kids to keep the toilet lid shut and the bathroom door closed...Nothing better to do on a Wednesday morning than clear the DVDs out of the cabinetNow a permanent fixture on the entertainment center doors
No joke, as I was sitting here blogging, I hear a muffled Preston cry. I immediately think Gavin has trapped him under a blanket, but Gavin is sitting glued to My Friends Tigger & Pooh, no Presty in sight. When I realized where it was coming from, in true blogging-mama fashion, I ran to get my camera and started snapping away, all while promising that I'd rescue him in a minute. Haha!
Stuck between {behind} the couch and a hard place
Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come! I don't know if I'm ready for the toddler stage!!!!! Ack!


Janell said...

Boy does that bring back memories--the difference between you and Becky when you were little. Didn't have to lock up a thing with you, but had to lock up everything with Becky! : ) What is it that makes some kids just more naturally curious than others?

Kasey said...

Today I had Chex for breakfast and lasagna for dinner. What about lunch you say? Oh yeah, I forgot to eat. Busy busy day over here! 5 kiddos. I'm mostly talking refined sugar like the cupcakes I made today that were taunting me. I did not stray. That was hard. I usually eat Hot Tamales daily, so to not have any has been huge! I'm hoping to jump my plateau of weight loss. We shall see...

Unknown said...

Little stinker! haha
p.s. i have that same enterainment unit. :)

Jenna said...

I had 4 of those. Nuf' said. (:

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Viv and Preston would be the best of friends indeed. Abby was not like that at all. Isn't that funny how they can be so different.