Friday, November 20, 2009

Second in the Saga ~~ New Moon

Saw it --- LOVED IT!!!

My sister Brittney and I had to see New Moon opening day, keeping the tradition alive!! This movie was much better than the first one, in my opinion; better acting, more action and intensity. I enjoyed the witty humor and the gasps and squeals from female audience members when Jacob removed his shirt. LOL! I've always been a Team Edward player, but the movie actually made me feel a bit for Jacob. He definitely stole the show! And it didn't hurt that he has a rockin' body when Edward's was truly lacking. :bleh: ;) The way they ended the movie definitely made me anxious for Eclipse in June!! Hooray!


Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!! I'll take a movie with hot, shirtless guys any day! HOT!! I have to agree that the acting was better, or maybe because bella didn't have a lot of talking scenes in this one. any way can't wait for the next one!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

You couldn't have said it any better, Lindsay. I'm Team Edward as well and when Jacob took off his shirt, I leaned over to my friend, who is Team Jacob, and said, "I think I may come over to your side." :oD

Christensen's said...

I agree 100% with everything you just said! I didnt know Eclipse was coming out so soon though- that is exciting!