Saw it ---
My sister Brittney and I had to see New Moon opening day, keeping the tradition alive!! This movie was much better than the first one, in my opinion; better acting, more action and intensity. I enjoyed the witty humor and the gasps and squeals from female audience members when Jacob removed his shirt. LOL! I've always been a Team Edward player, but the movie actually made me feel a bit for Jacob. He definitely stole the show! And it didn't hurt that he has a rockin' body when Edward's was truly lacking. :bleh: ;) The way they ended the movie definitely made me anxious for Eclipse in June!! Hooray!
LOVE IT!!! I'll take a movie with hot, shirtless guys any day! HOT!! I have to agree that the acting was better, or maybe because bella didn't have a lot of talking scenes in this one. any way can't wait for the next one!
You couldn't have said it any better, Lindsay. I'm Team Edward as well and when Jacob took off his shirt, I leaned over to my friend, who is Team Jacob, and said, "I think I may come over to your side." :oD
I agree 100% with everything you just said! I didnt know Eclipse was coming out so soon though- that is exciting!
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