Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A bittersweet time

Gavin is 16.5 months old now and in the last couple months, he's REALLY become attached to nursing. I honestly haven't minded it, but I know that the end has to begin sometime. Matt has been bugging me about weaning Gavin since Gav would basically walk up to me, pull at my shirt and want to nurse. He was still nursing about 5-6 times a day. Since we were going on this trip, I figured none other would be the perfect time to start weaning him. We were really so busy each day that I didn't really have time to nurse him right after naptimes like usual. So I guess it just started without me even realizing it, but I became ok with that.

Now we're down to 2 (sometimes 3) nursing sessions a day, in the morning when he wakes- sometimes twice, depending on how early he wakes the first time and whether or not he'll go back to sleep- and in the evening just before bedtime. At this point, I'm really emotional about the whole thing. Sometimes I think I'm ready to be done, to be free, but other times, I'm not. I love breastfeeding my babies and hate to see this relationship end each time. It's such a special time between me and my babies! I breastfed Brooklyn and Blake until they were 18 months old as well. Matt and I have set a goal for Gavin to be completely weaned by the time he's 18 months old. We'll get through it ok, I know we will. *sigh*

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