For the most part, it's been a nice, relaxing day. I had to speak in church today on the topic of mothers. A bishopric member asked me like two months ago if I'd speak on Mothers Day. Last night, Matt made some comment like, "Don't you have a talk tomorrow?" I just gasped. I totally forgot!!!! I stayed up til after midnight working on it. I think it went really well and I only got a *little* emotional at the beginning. I held my composure for the rest of my talk. The brother that spoke after me mentioned something about how unfair it was to ask a mother to speak on Mother's Day, then a lady stopped me after church and said, "Really, how unfair is it when you get to sit up on the stand by yourself, without kids nagging you all through Sacrament meeting?!??!?" ;) Today was also the first time that I had kids old enough to sing with the Primary from the stand! I'm sure I would have been a blubbering mess had I actually been able to see Brooklyn and Blake's sweet faces, but I just got glimpses of the back of their heads. ;) I also had to teach my Primary lesson, of course. I just had four girls today, so it was pretty good.
My Mother's Day gift was getting a pedicure on Friday (with Jennie!) before we had the banquet. It's always nice to get a moment to yourself with a little pampering to boot! Brooklyn and Blake made little cards in their Primary class with their handprint on the front with a poem inside. The Primary presidency also took pictures of all the Primary kids and put together these cute magnet frames with the pictures inside. I can't wait to hang them on my fridge! :)
Today was a good day. I got to spend time with Matt & and the kids, which is most important, didn't have to cook and I got a smidge of time to relax, although a mother never really, truly gets a day off. I'm thankful to my dear mother, for the great example that she has been and is to me. I love you mom! Happy Mother's Day to all my friends as well!! I'm also thankful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me the experience and joys of motherhood, for trusting me to be a steward of his precious spirits. I love my children SO much, each one of them!!!
Of course I had to take my annual Mother's Day pics with the kids!

These pictures are so nice! Thanks for sharing and Happy Mother's Day to you too! I had to teach in RS today and I was procrastinating so badly that I was still preparing it this morning. We even had YW with our RS today and it was in the chapel. Good grief, there were sooo many women! I was nervous.
You did a wonderful job today. Happy mother's day.
Looks like you had a beautiful Mother's Day! I love the pictures of you will all your kids! They are very cute and I love it how their names are on the bottom with the year. Very sweet. :) Also I think that's funny that you guys got the most fertile award. Looks like you both had a fun time! Looks fun cruising around on a nice boat for 4 hours? in Newport beach!!!! :)
lindsay, your hair is beautiful! it is so long too. im trying to grow my hair out but i find it in a pony tail most of the time. not so fun!
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