Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My turn!!

I was tagged by Jess, so here goes!

1. Comics or novels? Novels! I'm on a roll with reading right now!
2. Neat or slob? I'm not super neat, but not a total slob. How's that?? :)
3. Chocolate or peanut butter? Chocolate!
4. Cold or Hot? I like snuggling up in blankets on the couch, but I don't like cold weather (i.e. below 50 degrees - can't stand snow)
5. Talk or sleep? Depends with who! ;)
6. Being told you're loved, having time spent with you, getting a present, having something done for you, being touched. Which describes your greatest need? Time spent with me
7. Which is your least favorite season? Spring (I thought this said FAVORITE season!!! oops!)
8. Do you like your photo being taken? If it turns out well, yes!
9. Have you ever blabbed a secret when you said you wouldn't? Probably
10. Who do you think has the most interesting life in your social (blog) group? Um....???
11. Do you ever fantasize about having a different life? Not a different life, just my life in the future
12. Have you ever had to start your life all over again? No
13. What are the three most important things to look for in a relationship? Trust, respect and humor
14. Words, tone and delivery, or body language: Which do you absorb first? Which is the most important? Absorb body language first, tone and delivery is most important
15. Are you a good communicator? I think so, Matt might say otherwise!
16. Do you think you talk too much? Sometimes, yes
17. Can you handle the truth? I have a hard time taking criticism
18. How often do you cry? A lot more now that I'm a mom! Little things just send me over the edge!
19. What sound annoys you the most? Teeth grinding (Matt!!)
20. Where did your pet get its name? Don't have a pet, but I'd love to name a dog Bentley
21. Would you rather be single, dating, engaged or married? Married, for sure!! I'm glad I'm past the dating phase!
22. Significance, self-worth, security. Which is more important? Self-worth
23. If you could have one super hero power, what would it be? I'd make a duplicate of myself so one of me could clean the house and the other could play with the kids!
24. Do you think you are a good driver? YES!
25. Why do you go to work? Because I love being a mom!! (most days...)
26. Who was your favorite teacher? What's your favorite subject? Mr. Green, my band director. He died a few years back and I miss him. My favorite subject was either Anatomy & Physiology or Humanities.
27. Who's survey would you most like to see? Jennie -- TAG!! And don't pretend like you didn't see this! ;)

1 comment:

Weston & Jennie said...

How dare you!! ;) I might just make you wait for a while. How do you like that?!? I actually like reading these. They're fun. Talk to you soon.