Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Jennie, Trenda and I took our kids to Pump it Up this morning! They have days set aside that kids under 6 can come in for an hour and a half and play in these ginormous inflatable play things! All three of my kids had an fabulous time! :) I asked Brooklyn and Blake what their favorite part was and the both agreed that the "big honkin'" slide was the best! If Gavin could speak, I'm sure he would also have to agree! I took Gavin with me and we went down that slide at least three times and each time, he squealed with delight!

Cade, Brooklyn and Blake climbing the "honkin'" slide!
Down come Brooklyn and Blake!
Brooklyn and Cade climbing in the obstacle course
Gavin with his favorite red ball in the basketball bounce house
Blake shoots, he SCORES!!!


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

WOW! That place looks like fun! I'm so ready to be in the at-home Mom world. Sigh...

Jessica said...

Where is this place? I am always looking for fun places to take Brynlee.

Trenda said...

Oh yeah, "Pump it up" That was the name of the place. Oh well, it should be "bounce house" LOL! Anyway, that was fun. We'll have to do it again before everyone leaves. So Sad!!