Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bedtime blues

I don't know what's going on, but Gavin has been putting up such a fight lately when it comes to going down for naps or nighttime!!! He used to be really pleasant, just lay right down, hand him his blankey, he'd pop in his thumb and he'd be good to go. But now it's just clinging and crying! He RUNS the other way when I mention the word "nap!" I'm thinking (and hoping!) that it's just a temporary thing as he's cutting his bottom two eye teeth.

Speaking of, we're kinda in naptime limbo right now. If Gavin wakes up early (just before/after 7:00am), he NEEDS a morning nap. He falls asleep around 9:00am just fine, but I have to wake him up after two hours, otherwise he'd sleep for three! He can't survive til bedtime if he's up at noon with no other nap for rest if the day! But if Gavin sleeps closer to 8:00am, he's ok with just one long, three-hour nap in the afternoon. Here's the thing- it's NEVER consistent!! Today, he took two naps and did great. Yesterday, he only took the one afternoon nap! Somehow I've got to get him sleeping a little bit longer in the morning so that we can settle on just one nap a day. I know I'm lucky to have him taking two naps a day for so long, but I'M ready for him to transition! I'm sick of the back and forth, back and forth! I'm sure it'll happen soon...


Trenda said...

Good Luck. . . fun times!

Maren said...

Brynlee is going thru the same thing right now. when i lay her down, she sits up and just plays in her crib. i think she got off her schedule from this past weekend when i was gone. i need to get her back on track! i plan my days around 2 naps!! good luck.

Michelle said...

I need help too! Lately Dylan won't go down for naps - and he used to just lay right down. It must be something in the air! We have been traveling a lot so I'm hoping that's the reason. Hopefully the phase ends soon for you! Good luck!