Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Primary Activity Day

This afternoon, we had Primary Activity Day. The kids were asked to bring their bike or scooter, so I loaded all three kids and their bikes up today and off we went! :) Everyone got to decorate their bikes/scooters with streamers, balloons, a little flag and a foam star. Then the kids rode their bikes back and forth in the church parking lot- it was really cute!

After the bike parade, the kids each got a patriotic cookie and popsicle! This is where my laundry OCD-ness just went psycho!!!!! My kids were dripping popsicle ALL over their clothes!! Argh! And you see the shirts that the boys are wearing? EVERY time Blake wears this shirt, he gets some hard-to-get-out stain on it. I actually discolored one of the turquoise stripes on his shirt last time I treated a stain with OxyClean! Not too happy about that. Anyway, of course the kids were ecstatic to have popsicles and I let Gavin have his very first try with mine. I only let him hold it/suck on it for a couple minutes because I knew that it would be an absolute mess!!

This was the result after Blake had finished his - LOL! Brown beard!


Emily said...

Oh my goodness your kids are so cute!!! I love the bike pics! I love it1

Herb Hamilton :0) said...

Lighten up Mom-zilla! Memories are forever! Enjoy them while you have them....... they are grown and gone before you knoe it. :0)