Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Please raise your hand if you can hear me!

Because my kids sure don't seem to hear me!!!! I don't know WHAT the deal is lately but Brooklyn and Blake just don't respond to me until I get ugly. If/when I start counting to three, Brooklyn will wait until THE LAST millisecond to get moving! GRRRR! Irritates me to no end! I asked the kids to pick their toys up that were scattered across the family room while I was preparing dinner tonight. Blake is picking up ONE thing at a time!! Then all of a sudden, Brooklyn is peeing on the floor (!!!!?) and Gavin is emptying my tupperware cupboard. What the heck?? Before bedtime, I ask Brooklyn and Blake to please take off their clothes and put pjs on. And I ask and I ask and I ask!! It's like my voice just bounces right off the outside of their ear!! I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's seriously wearing on me. I hate the constant battle with EVERY little thing! *sigh*

1 comment:

Underwood's in Cali said...

This is too funny. I feel like AJ is ignoring me lately and only listens when I get frustrated. Hang in there- soon enough they will be in school and be someone else's problem- ha ha.