Matt had this great idea awhile back that he wanted to start reading chapter books to the kids (mostly Brooklyn and Blake) before bed. So for the past little while, almost every night after they are jammied and ready for bed, he's read Charlotte's Web while they sit perched on his lap. It's great to see Brooklyn and Blake's minds engaged in the story while Matt's reading. Then Matt would quiz them about what he just read after he'd finished for the night. Well tonight, they finished Charlotte's Web! :) I've ordered several other chapter books for them to conquer next- Stuart Little, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and at Matt's request, Where the Red Fern Grows. I'm excited for the twins to be exposed to all time greats at an early age. I'm really hoping to instill a love of books and reading in them at a young age. Gavin even walks around saying, "Book? Book?" :)
And along with that, I think I have a
*wee* obsession with buying children's books!!! We have loads of board books, but my favorite is the hardcover, REAL paper-paged books! Every so often, I'll order a couple new books from Amazon.com or we'll spend some time, picking out a book at Borders. Brooklyn and Blake are always thrilled to read a new book. We have way too many favorites to list, but I'll put a couple here- How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?, Silly Sally, The Napping House, Olivia, Caps For Sale, any of the If You Give a ..... (Pig a Pancake, Moose a Muffin) books, Click Clack Moo, oh- I could go on and on!!!!! We also have a bunch of the Dr. Suess books, which are fun too. We've built up quite the collection of books, but I don't think you can EVER have too many books!! Right, hun?? ;)
I love childrens books too! Must be the teacher in me. I definately want to instill a love of reading in my kids too. . . I think the trick really is to read to them all the time when they are young! Good for you guys!
Oh my goodness... I love hardcover too. Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them that but I can't stand buying paperback anymore. I also love "where the red fern grows" ... I think I cried actually. I can't remember... but they'll love that one!
The Giving Tree (hardcover really are the best!) is my favorite children's book. I totally understand your love for Children's books. I got $$ for my birthday to Borders and all I wanted to do was buy Abs all the favorite children books of mine. :o)
thats a great idea, all my brothers and sisters try to read all the classics to their kids, theirs a collection you can buy all them (easy reading- i cant remember the brand)- anyways so they appreciate those too
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