Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Back to the Beach

It's Tuesday so Trenda and I hit the beach again this week! :) Of course we all had a good time. And we even found free parking this time! I'm really, REALLY going to miss having the beach so close. My kids could seriously live at the beach; they'd play in the ocean and the sand all day!

And something funny- Two weeks ago when we were at the beach, a guy came up to Trenda and asked if he could use some sunscreen. Today, another guy came up to me and asked if he could use some sunscreen! What is it with us and attracting men that need sunscreen?!?!? At least they don't ask us to rub it on them! LOL!

Although I have hundreds of beach pictures, I couldn't resist at least bringing my camera, just in case there was a good photo op. I *almost* made it without taking any pictures, but alas, I couldn't help myself!
Boys being boys! Blake and Cade
Blake warming up by lying on the sand, under a towel
Brooklyn wrapped in her towel after Trenda took her out in the oceanNakey Gavin bum!.


Trenda said...

Ohhh, cute pics. That was very fun today! Thanks for the company. I think most guys put on sun screen because their moms or wives remind them to. . . therefore, these guys probably see us and are reminded of "motherly women" and see the sunscreen in our hands and think, oh, I should follow my moms council and put on some sunscreen, but they don't have any, of course, and so . . . they ask US!

mad white woman said...

what? you couldn't resist taking a few pictures? :) i haven't lived by the beach for like 15 years and i STILL miss it! good thing my sister and friends still live close.

Michelle said...

I'm so happy that you two have started this Tuesday adventure day thing! So fun! I was bummed I couldn't come with you yesterday... I was visiting my parents to get away from school... :) Looks like you had a good time!