Today our power was turned off for four hours so an electric company could replace the transformers that provide our apartment complex with electricity. I wasn't too excited about that since it's been quite warm here for the past couple weeks! So as the temps were creeping into the upper 80's with the humidity at 50% (yes, I know that's cool in AZ standards!), it was pretty much an oven in our house! I did the dishes and tidied up the kids' room and I lasted about 1 hour without any fans or air conditioning. I sunscreened up the kiddos and out to the pool we went! We spent a good almost two hours out there, trying to prolong the inevitable of returning back into the inferno. I was really afraid to even lay Gavin down for his nap because it's hot enough in their room while the ceiling fan AND oscillating fan are on! Poor kid wakes up drenched in his own sweat every day! I fed the kids lunch real quick and put Gav down. The rest of us lounged in our swimsuits to keep cool. Brooklyn and Blake enjoyed a popsicle on the porch and not too much later, they turned the power back on!! Yay! That teeny, tiny air conditioner we have in the family room went right on! One thing I can't stand is being uncomfortable temp-wise in my own home! Spoiled I tell ya!
Cheap entertainment!
Blakey and Gav watching the mini-crane lower the transformer into the ground right in front of our apartment. Blake had his Bob the Builder vehicles lined up on the window sill! :)

My sunbathing beauties! ;) Gotta love Blake's goggles!

Brooklyn working on her synchronized swimming moves!

I just used the website it nice becuase everything is already there that you need.. you just need the photos!
i hate it when the power goes off... one time in CA our's was off for like 6 hours and i happened to almost burn our kitchen down... woops! glad you are close to a pool and you made it through. :)
Seriously, I hate heat, hence my neverm oving to AZ. I felt like all I did this past weekend was sweat. I can't even imagine being without A/C for that long.
Hi, just popping in to say Hello! When are you moving to AZ...and where exactly are you buying a house??
i hate being without power!! its got to be the worst thing ever. so, whats this i hear about your house issues? are you renting the house you are currently building or no? the house across the street from me is going into forclosure in october. 5 bed, 3 bath, pool, playroom, cul-de-sac street and great neighbors!! just FYI
hey you two, sorry to hear about your house... BUMMER. matt, i agree with you about the housing prices, i'm sure it will stay stable, which means it's good in both ways: it won't cost you any more and you won't miss out on lost equity! there's a few houses for rent in our neighborhood... :) we have a FABULOUS ward and duh, you could live by me.
Hey Lindsay! Congrats on being done with your first rotation! That is such a tremendous relief and it just gets better with each passing one.
You and all the whinners about the heat should come live in Nevada for a couple days--although no a/c in any place in the summer does suck. You will be begging to go back home to Cali. I will have to try that movie Disturbia--although you have me a little scared:)And also those books. I love to read. We should start our own blogging book club! I also want to do a recipe one too. We can all exchange one recipe a month. What do you think?
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