Q: What do these two products have in common in our household??????
A: They both disappear at an alarming rate!!
Toilet paper - I guess my twinners have nothing better to do when they use the bathroom than to empty the entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet??? Excuse me, but I *thought* my twins were 4.5 years old, not 2 years old. What is the novelty?? Blake dipped the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper into the toilet this afternoon! GRRRR! I'm not joking, we're going through a ROLL of TP a DAY!!! And this is the plush, Charmin Ultra stuff, not cheapy, generic, sandpapery stuff!! That's literally $$ down the toilet! Aside from accompanying each child to the bathroom and sign out the toilet paper for each potty trip, I'm not sure how to remedy this problem!!
Gum - Why my 18 month old has an obsession with gum, I know not. Brooklyn just about always asks for gum when we leave the house and she is very good to keep it in her mouth. Blake can take it or leave it. Gavin seriously searches out my purse, takes it with him under the table and sees how many pieces of gum he can down before he gets caught! If you don't know where Gavin is or my purse is MIA, the first place to check is under the table!! We found FOUR empty gum wrappers along with an empty gum package under the table this morning! I swear, the poor kid's stomach is going to be one big ball of sticky gloop!!! I really need to get in the habit of putting my purse up HIGH, out of reach from a certain little monster's hands!
Hmmm, I hadn't thought about the tiolet paper problem with young kids going to the bathroom. Right now, Ambree is all about un rolling it all! I now don't even put it on the roller, I just leave it on the counter! If I think of an idea I'll let you know!
so you mean to tell me when clara is potty trained i won't have to buy diapers, but i won't necessarily be saving money?! and love the SQUEEZE... you have such a sweet family. picture perfect in every sense. :)
Ok, so I've been thinking about your dilema, and I have an idea. . . tell your kids they get one roll per week, and if they run out early they have to use their hands! LOL! Maybe it would help them be a little more careful with the amount they used . . . maybe.
Uhhhh, I pushed publish comment again and again because it wasn't working! Apperently it was! LOL! I really just wanted to boost self esteem by having so many coments . . . ha ha ha! I'll only push publish comment once this time!
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