Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Gavin's 18 month well check

Actually, it's more like 19 month check now! And it kinda turned into a sick visit since Gavin hasn't been able to shake this cough that started off with his croup episodes over the weekend. Gav was a little wary about the exam room this time. He wanted me to hold him practically the whole time, but I just sat with him on the table instead. When the pediatrician got out his light thingie to check Gav's eyes, nose and throat, that was it - he freaked! I think the eye exam from last week traumatized him!! LOL! Gavin wasn't happy again until the exam was over. The ped diagnosed Gavin with bronchitis and prescribed Zithromax for him. Hopefully the meds will fix him up real quick! Poor guy has been so sad lately! :( THEN, Gavin had to get two shots. He was real overjoyed about that, let me tell you!! It's so pathetic that after being a parent for 4.5 years and witnessing umpteen vaccinations administered to my children, that I still can hardly keep myself from tearing up when I hear that scream! It's like they are saying, "Mommy, why are you letting them hurt me??" :( Gavin recovered quickly, thanks to that thumb!
Weight: 23 lbs. 8 oz. (25th %ile)
Height: 33 1/2 in. (75th %ile)
Head Circ: 19 1/2 in. (90th %ile)

So, he's my long and lean boy with a big noggin!!


JLynn said...

cache is the same way. he just had his 6 month check up on monday. 16 lbs. 8oz. (40%) and 27 1/2 inches tall (75%) and i can't remember his head off the top of mine. :) but the ped said his head is actually proportional to his body. i laugh at how big i think cache's head a loving way of course. :) hope gavin feels better soon. oh and i teared up the night before i took cache in to get his shots. :)thought i would deal with it beforehand, and it worked. :)

Trenda said...

Poor guy! I can't believe he is only in the 25% for weight when he weighed so much when he was born. Hope he gets well soon!

Lindsay said...

Trenda, I know! He really chunked up fast in the beginning, but he's really slowed down since he's been walking!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Better to be that than Abby. She's our short, chubby girl with a tiny head. HA HA!