Saturday, August 11, 2007

Is there a seal in the kids' bedroom?

Nope, that's my poor Gavi-boy, barking like a seal! :( He just woke up from his nap all croupy, which means we're in for a fun night, let me tell you!!! I don't know what it is with my kids and croup, but it seems like we can't go more than 6 months without one of them getting it! Not too thrilling listening to your child struggle to breathe and emit a noise that sounds like it just plain hurts! I'm thinking Matt may be staying home from church tomorrow with Gavin. Praying for an easy night!


Trenda said...

Poor Gavin and poor you! I hope he feels better soon!

Weston & Jennie said...

That poor kid! I have heard him. He can get sounding pretty bad. Hope he feels better soon! For you and for him.

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Abby is a croup magnet too! It's so sad to hear. :o(