Nope, that's my poor Gavi-boy, barking like a seal! :( He just woke up from his nap all croupy, which means we're in for a fun night, let me tell you!!! I don't know what it is with my kids and croup, but it seems like we can't go more than 6 months without one of them getting it! Not too thrilling listening to your child struggle to breathe and emit a noise that sounds like it just plain hurts! I'm thinking Matt may be staying home from church tomorrow with Gavin. Praying for an easy night!
Poor Gavin and poor you! I hope he feels better soon!
That poor kid! I have heard him. He can get sounding pretty bad. Hope he feels better soon! For you and for him.
Abby is a croup magnet too! It's so sad to hear. :o(
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