Tonight Matt returned our most current movie rentals, Premonition and The Last Mimzy, and rented Disturbia. K, what does that movie title say to you? YEAH!!!!!! First of all, I was like, "Why the HECK did you rent THAT movie???? Sounds pleasant!" (said with heavy sarcasm) He said it was the only good one to rent. Define good!! Now, I *used* to be a fan of scary movies, but once I saw The Ring, that was IT for me!! Of course this movie Matt rented is in the horror genre. Thanks honey! I get the chills just thinking about a scary movie!!! I can't even watch previews or movie trailers for horror flicks without getting scared! But, being the good sport that I am, I agreed to sit down and watch it with him. My body was tense the ENTIRE movie, just waiting for something to happen! It was a little intense in parts, but I did survive. And of course I know I'm not going to make it through the night without having some sort of nightmare!!!Matt's ONLY redeeming grace is that he brought me home an Icee!
Oooooooohhhhhh do I love Icees!! :) And it's just been so blasted hot in our apartment that I needed something to cool me down and this hit the spot! Yum! Now, it wasn't my first choice of white cherry because Matt drove around to two different AM PMs and the best he could do was blue raspberry. Not as good as the norm, but it did the job! He also brought home some other goodies which I have resisted so far! I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out though!
I've never seen this movie . . . I'm not a big fan of scary movies either, but every once in a while they are fun . . . in a wierd sort of way.
I'm right with you... I used to watch scary movies all the time... now that I am home at night by myself sometimes I can't take it!! I've seen the previews for that... looked scary!
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