Today marks three days since I stopped nursing Gavin. I really don't even know if there was/is much of anything left, but he was content to nurse on both sides every morning!
Just three months ago, Gavin was still nursing several times a day. When we went to Utah back in May to visit family, I used that as an opportunity to start cutting back on nursing sessions. He seemed most stuck on the morning feeding, so that's the one I kept. It was our morning ritual when he awoke for him to come in bed with me and nurse until he fell back to sleep or was ready to get up for the day. It gave me a few extra minutes to lie in bed before having to get up. This morning, he woke up earlier than I would have liked him to, so I tried to bring him back to my bed and of course he starts saying, "Eat, please?" and I had to tell him no. So heartbreaking! :(
I really enjoy breastfeeding my babies and am always sad to see the end each time. Almost 19 months for Gavin! (With Brooklyn and Blake it was 18 months. They also received bottles w/ formula, every other feeding, up until 1 year, then I continued to b/f them until 18 months.) I'm proud to say that Gavin was exclusively breastfed, never once received a drop of formula. Quite an accomplishment! :) Nothing against those who formula-feed, of course! Until next time....
1 comment:
I know you guys are probably out of town, but I just had to say - WAY TO GO! My nursing stories are more like BOOKS, so I won't explain here. But I'm glad to see someone else who enjoys nursing. I mostly hear about how people hate it. And I think that's so sad. I think I would feel differently if it wasn't such a challenge for me...I have to really WANT to nurse to go through what I've gone through. So, I WORK at it and LOVE it! I started to think I was weird. So, I'm glad that there are at least 2 of us out there. :o)
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