This is kind of a random blog entry. It seems like lately, no matter what time we get in bed at night, I get super chatty. It's funny, really! Matt and I have had some of our best conversations and
(*AHEM*) "discussions" after we get into bed for the night. I don't know if other couples do the same thing? It's not every single night, because there are definitely nights I can't WAIT to pass out in bed! But it seems like there are a gazillion thoughts swimming around in my head and they just come spilling out as soon as my head hits the pillow! I'm weird, I know.
so funny... last night i fell asleep on the couch and jason carried me into bed... and was rubbing my back and i woke up (it was about 1) and we were up until like 4am just talking away! jason kept saying "i can't believe i'm still awake" and i would agree, and then we'd talk some more. different things just kept popping into our heads. i agree that some of the best conversations and what-not take place late at night and in bed. :)
this has nothing to do with your post, rather it's a response to your comments on mine... :) first, i am serious about buying a new camera, we just have to wait until we sell our home in utah. i really like the rebel, which is what i've been looking at. my brother has the 20d or whatever, the canon above the rebel and i think it's a bit too nice and heavy. i want to sill enjoy taking my camera everywhere. are you selling a used one or do you just know a good place to buy them? oh, and my cousin told me about those mesh munchkin things and i was a bit leary, but maybe i'll check them out. jason asked me last night if watermelon stains, and i'm like, i don't think so... :) ha ha, but we have her shirt soaking in oxi clean so hopefully that will do the trick!
I know you and I have discussed this before. But since being in Utah, it seems to happen ALOT more. Probably because with all of the people around here we never seem to get much time alone except in bed. Poor WEston, he always has to get up and drive to work!! I'm sure Matt struggles with that at times too.
You're not alone in this, Lindsay! Aaron cracks up at how chatty I get at bedtime. I love our late night conversations, giggling, talking, and such! It's one of the best parts of my day!
. . . And such! What-not! Discussions! Ohhh girls, what is on your minds!? LOL! Love the pillow talk too! Even when I was in college, my roomies and I would chat the most while trying to fall asleep. . . of course we left the . . . And suchs' and What-nots' out of it, if you know what I mean! Ha Ha!
Trenda, what is on YOUR mind??!?! ;) By "discussions" I actually meant arguments!! LOL!
Ohhhh, my mistake, I was just trying to be optimistic! Ha!
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