Saturday, August 11, 2007

We are officially pet owners!!

And apparently not very good ones at that! Monday night, we got a small aquarium and some goldfish and two other black fish (don't know the name) for the kids. Two fish have already died!! Oops! Brooklyn and Blake love to watch the fish and feed them, of course. Gavin points and says, "Sishie! Sishie!" :) Matt really wants a dog, but this is all I can handle right now! LOL!


Weston & Jennie said...

Sydney keeps asking if she can have a fish too. We have been visiting my friend that has two little girls and they have a fish. she loves to watch it. Maybe someday!

Maren said...

hooray for fish! everytime we go to walmart, we have to go see the fish. brynlee is obsessed with them!