Today while I was shopping in WalMart with Blakey, I heard a mom calling for her child. She kept walking up and down the aisles, calling his name over and over again, louder and more frantic each time. I thought, "Oh gosh, I hope she finds him quickly!" I walked to a different department and I heard a "Code Adam" announcement over the intercom and my heart just sunk! :( This little boy was THREE years old that she was looking for! Tears started to prick my eyes and it just ran through my mind how terrified I'd be if I couldn't find one of my kids. All the WalMart employees were milling around, searching for the boy. Like 3 minutes later (probably seemed like 30 to the mom!), there was an announcement that he had been found and I just felt a wave of relief through my body for that poor mother!! I walked back over to where she was before and she stood holding her boy, tears in her eyes while she talked to an employee. From the conversation, I'm assuming that he hid somewhere. Still- I can't imagine the panic that she must have felt when she discovered her little guy wasn't right with her! I'm just glad everything turned out ok!
I'm really thankful they have Code Adam in place. Heaven forbid that one of my children go missing in a store, at least there are people to help in such an event. I've noticed this sign at many stores I've shopped at- Old Navy, Children's Place, WalMart.
The last time. . . well, almost the last time I was at Walmart they had a Code Adam too, and I felt the same whay! Sometimes my kids can annoy me, but that would sure be scary if they were missing!
I'm happy to hear it all turned out well. That feeling would sicken me for sure. I'm glad they have this in place too. I had no idea.
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