Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter in the HOUSE!!!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

My book 7 is here!!!! I pre-ordered from Amazon and it arrived right on time! I was hoping to reread books 5 and 6 since it's been so long since I read them last, but I barely made it to page 200 in book 5. I hope I can still remember and this book makes sense!

Matt & I read book 6 together, outloud, so we'll be doing the same this time. I'd rather read it myself because I can read a lot faster than I can outloud, but I don't think Matt would sit down and read the book on his own. It's gonna take awhile so I have to be careful not to stumble onto spoilers! This is it! Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aaron & Sara Warren said...

Not related to this post at all, but where did you get that picture of all three kids taken? Looks like a complete success! All three smiling! AMAZING!

Underwood's in Cali said...

I totally thought of you when I heard about the release of the FINAL book- happy reading- I'm sure your done by now