He's still sucking him thumb, but I don't mind. I think it's cute! :) Gavin loves to be outside, just dilly-bopping around- finding rocks, pointing out airplanes, digging in the dirt- such a boy! He does the cutest little dance, and actually requests "keen" (Lightning McQueen in Gavin-speak, meaning the Cars soundtrack) on the stereo! He also loves the beach and the pool and shows absolutely no fear for either!!
Gavin's still an extremely good eater, but it's starting to show a little bit of pickiness. His faves are cheese, yogurt, ANY fruit (strawberries, blueberries, peaches, apples, nectarines, bananas, grapes, cantaloupe), or anything you call a "snack." He still won't touch plain scrambled eggs?
We're officially down to one nap a day now and I have to say I'm enjoying it! We can go out in the mornings to play or run errands, then come home for lunch and naptime. Gavin usually sleeps for 3-4 hours in the afternoon (B&B have quiet time), which gives me a much needed break. Bedtime's at 8:00pm and he typically wakes up for the day between 7:00 and 8:00am.
Gavin hasn't had a haircut yet!! It's finally getting some length in the back, but he has the cutest little curls that I can't bear to snip off yet! The top is long enough to do a little comb-over now. I'm holding off as long as possible on the first haircut!
mama/mommy, dada/daddy, "Bake" (Blake), "Bookin" (Brooklyn), "sauce" (applesauce), those, "skeez" (squeeze, as in hug), raisins, glasses, hot, hat, spoon, poke, "bank" (blanket), "dink" (drink), fishie, "nack" (snack), kitty, trash, book, noodles, "sat" (what's that?), food, "pees" (please) & sign, up, down, out, go, off, bath, "wa-wa" (water), "side" (outside), apple, "nana" (banana), "tato" (both tomato and potato), eat, lunch, Elmo, "teins" (Little Einsteins), "kee-coo" (cookie and Cookie Monster), "papa" (grandpa), doggie, cow, touch, watch, bite, no, yes, mine, hello, cheese, car, truck, airplane, train, "keen" (Lightning McQueen), "go go" (yogurt), happy, mouse (Mickey Mouse), "bape" (grapes), get it, amen, ewh, yuck, "boon" (balloon), teeth, eye, nose, toes, feet, sock, shoe, ball, cereal, owie, milk & sign, nap, night night, baby, ball, ice, table, potty, poop, "penah" (penis!!!), bike, all done, "mote" (remote), phone, sink, wash, help, hug, "oofy" (Goofy), pool, hold it, bunny, monkey, AND various names of friends and family!!!!!!! He can also point to his eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ears, hair, toes, and belly. He makes various animal noises (lion, monkey, duck, dog, cow) if you ask him what they say.
Here's a cute video clip showcasing some of his talking and singing skills, including his rendition of the "Hello Song!" :) The quality is not that great (dark), but I got a lot of great things on here!
I can't believe Gavin will be venturing into nursery on Sunday! :( It doesn't seem like he's old enough for that! I think Matt might suffer from more separation anxiety than Gavin. ;) Matt has really enjoyed being able to take Gavin with him to Sunday School and Priesthood on Sundays. He never got to do that with the twins since he was always a Primary teacher. Check back on Sunday because you KNOW I'll have pictures documenting his first day in nursery!! I'm probably the first mom to ever do that, I'm sure!
Very cute video clip. . . it made me smile!
Very cute video clip. . . it made me smile!
Sorry, I pushed enter twice. . . OOPS!
such a good mom, so detailed, your boys are such cute little "matts" i cant wait till you guys move back!
I can't believe that he is getting so big. I need Macey to spend a little time with him so he can show her how it is done. I am tired of the grunts and screams. Nursery huh? let me know how it goes.
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