Sunday, July 15, 2007

First day of nursery and Brooklyn says her scripture!

Well, it's official, I have a nursery-goer again!! Today was Gavin's very first day attending the nursery at church. He walked right in and didn't seem fazed at ALL by the whole ordeal! A little anti-climatic if you ask me! ;) When Matt went to pick him up, that's when the tears began! Weird! It's like Gavin JUST realized that he'd been without his parents for the past two hours! LOL! The ladies assured Matt that Gavin did just fine. I seriously wonder what he thought of us dumping him off in some strange place with some strange people! We'll see how it goes next week. And as promised, I took pictures!!! :) I also had to include his first piece of nursery artwork!! :) ---------->

Last week, Brooklyn got "mail" in Primary, asking her to give the scripture in closing exercises. The scripture, which is the scripture of the month, was actually a small part from the Family Proclamation. We worked with Brooklyn to have her memorize her part and even promised her with a reward if she did it all by herself. So when it came time, she marched right up to the microphone, I prompted her from the audience by mouthing the first word and off she went! She said the whole thing by herself! I think all the leaders were quite impressed! ;) I was practically bawling with joy and Daddy, who was sitting in the back, was beaming with pride! She was a bit proud of herself, too, I think! I made her say it to me after church so I could get it on video.
"Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved
when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."


mad white woman said...

sounds like you are raising a few genius kids... :) i'm convinced that smartness is mostly enhanced by nurture, not nature, so keep up the good work! oh, and of course, keep up the picture posting on the blog ;)

Trenda said...

very cute! Hopefully Gavin will continue to go to nursery with no problem!

Aaron & Sara Warren said...

I wish it was Nursery time for us!

BTW - That video of Brooklyn is AWESOME! I will forever hear her in my head when I read that part of the Family Proclamation. :o)

Leslie said...

Oh so cute! I can't believe how quickly your kids are growing! Make them stop!