Our beautiful PINK temple!!

Friday evening, Matt and I had the opportunity to do a session at the Newport Beach temple. We were there with friends from the ward (also optometry students) and it made it all the more fun! :) This will sound absolutely horrible, but since we've been in California, three years now, we haven't attended a temple in California once!!! We've been back to the Mesa Arizona temple a couple times, but this was the first time that we've attended a California temple. It's always a neat experience visiting the temple, setting aside the cares of the world for a sec to focus on things eternal. It's not always easy or convenient to visit the temple when you have to drive 30 minutes (Newport Beach) or 2 hours (L.A. or San Diego) away from home. Matt and I have been spoiled, growing up less than 10 minutes from the Mesa temple and I guess it's easy to take for granted. So our goal for the next three months before we leave, is to visit a temple at least once a month.
Good Goal! It was fun going, we'll have to do it again!
And here I thought 30 minutes was an excellent Temple commute. :o)
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