FIVE years ago, today, Matt and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Mesa Arizona temple by Matt's grandfather. Wow! Five years!! It's unbelievable that that much time has past so quickly and look where we are now! Three beautiful children, 3/4 of the way through graduate school, and we're building a brand new house in Queen Creek! Marriage definitely has it's highs and it's lows, but we're still very much in love! In fact, Matt told me today that he'd do it all over again if he had the chance. :)
Matt doesn't have class on Fridays, so we celebrated our anniversary by running various errands together as a family. We got a babysitter for this evening and went out to dinner and to see a movie. We ate at BJ's and the food was FABulous! Why haven't we ever been there before??!? Matt automatically ranked it as one of his favorite restaurants. It was nice to be able to eat a meal in peace, without having to cut someone else's food and being able to actually have WARM food. LOL! Matt and I left there absolutely stuffed! We saw Blades of Glory with Will Farrell and Jon Heder. It just so happened that our good friends, the Barneys, ended up in the same movie, also celebrating their anniversary, which is just one day, EXACTLY (even the same year), before ours! The movie was a little crude, but OH MY! I haven't laughed that hard in aaaaaaaages!!! My mascara from my bottom lashes was smeared under my eyes and I actually got the hiccups from laughing so much! All in all, it was just good to get out and be with Matt, without a child hanging off of me.
We had the babysitter take a couple pictures of us today, just as comparison to five years ago. Yes, we are both a little "fluffier" and Matt is a little balder, but we are happy as can be and that's all that matters, right??? ;)
I love you, my sweet honey! These past five years have been an amazing adventure and I can't wait to see where the next five years take us! XOXOXO
1 comment:
Congratulations on the 5 years... man does it go by so fast! every year it gets faster and faster too... noooooo! I want it to slow down! We can't wait for you to move to the QC!- that's what we call it :)
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