Since we are in tight quarters- a two bedroom apartment with three kids- all three kids have to share a bedroom. It works out nicely and everything *just* fits with no room to spare. Who knew you could fit two toddler beds, a crib and two dressers in a small bedroom??
Gavin was still awake because he had a poopy dipe. Oops! For the most part, they go to bed relatively easy each night. However, tonight, for some reason, the twins are just wired! I captured some footage of my little hooligans and what has been going on in their room tonight.
Here they are, giggling with each other at the ends of their beds-
A little bit crazy, don'tcha think??
All that brings be to the second portion of my title- separation anxiety. We'll be moving into our new, four bedroom home in less than seven months. Brooklyn and Blake have shared a bedroom since birth. In the new home, we are planning on putting the boys together in one bedroom, giving Brooklyn her own room and using the third and biggest bedroom as a playroom. I'm thinking- oh yay! I get to decorate a girly room! But wait. What if Brooklyn doesn't WANT to be by herself in a bedroom? What if she misses Blake? What if she gets scared being on her own? Maybe we should put Brooklyn and Blake together in a room and give Gavin his own room. Should we let Brooklyn and Blake choose if they want to stay together or are apart? They'll be almost 5 years old at that point, so should they have some say? I know we're still a ways off from this, but I'm already stressing about it, BIG time!! It'll be interesting to see how things pan out once we move in. I'll probably look back on this post and think, "What was I worrying about?!?" Hopefully.
It might be tough at first, but I vote for girls in one room and boys in the other. It will make more sense in the long run. Not sure if you were looking for an opinion, but I always seem to have one. HA HA!
I would think that it is already in her blood to want to have her own room since she is a girl! Ha! But just so you can have a 'girls' room, I would put her in the room by herself! She can always go visit her brothers room if she needs it.
oh.. and it is hard keeping up with your blog! I don't know how you have the time... especially with the three kids! I am having a hard time getting time with just the two! You go girl!
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