Wednesday, April 11, 2007


...three kids in the tub! My kids seriously love bathtime, especially Gavin! All I have to say is "bath" and he goes running to the bathroom! It's getting a little cramped in the tub with all three of them in together, so most of the time I just bathe Gavin first and then let the twins swim around until their fingers and toes are as wrinkly as raisins! Brooklyn and Blake are usually pretty successful at soaking the bathroom and I have to frequently go in and remind them that the water is to stay IN the tub!

Since the beginning of motherhood, I have love, love, LOVED the scent of Baby Magic baby wash and lotion. But Gavin started breaking out with little eczema patches after awhile and the Baby Magic lotion wasn't doing anything to help. I usually use Aquaphor to help with little dry patches, but we needed to try something different for every day bathing and lotioning. I picked up some Aveeno baby wash and lotion and poof! The patches were gone in a couple days! I'm hooked! Although the stuff is a little pricier than my Baby Magic, it's worth it for my baby to have soft skin again. Plus, it smells really good too and we all know there is nothing sweeter than the smell of a clean baby!!

1 comment:

Beka said...

they are so adorable lindsay!! I cant believe how old they are and that you have 3 kids...time sure flies!